Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lion? Tiger?

Hi folks.. x) Driven by my screwed up bio midterm paper but lasting enthusiasm in the chapters..I decided to write a post about cross bred animals with similar genetics.. species from the result of human intervention?? xD think about that..

This is Liger/Tigon.. Liger..crossbred between a male lion and female tiger..while tigon is a crossbred between a male tiger and female lion.. Awesome ain't? Did u ever used to wonder what will the creature looked like if tiger and lion farking each other? LOL... Here.. it looks like that.. x) Big huh... OMG.. interesting fact is male liger/tigon is sterile while the females are often fertile.. HAHAHA.... aih..sad..means the male of so awesome hybrid cannot fark at all.. = = These amazing creatures however have the characteristics more of a tiger and loves swimming.. x)
Have u ever questioned which will win when a lion fight with a tiger? hahaha.... the scientists never investigate it but instead..they made the hybrid of both..
Assumptions have been made that tiger will win because..male tiger hunts while a male lion does not hunt...therefore the muscles, speed and agility of a male tiger is higher than a male lion.. x)
Therefore.. Africa doesn't has tigers and Asia doesn't has lions.. xD 一山不能容二虎。

There are also hybrid of male leopard and female lion.. Holy Crap... called Leopon.. head of a lion, body of a leopard.. x) Go google the image yourself.. It looks like...*speechless...* and they can climb trees.. *sweat... if didn't see properly..u would thought a lioness is climbing a tree.. lol

Many animal hybrids have been made by humans.. Zebroids..=Zonkey, Zorse, Zony.. the names are left for u to guess the animals being used for crossbreed.. x)

Some of u might find this interesting..and some of u may not.. (for me sure this is AWESOME!!) .. However, one question came into my mind.. Are humans here to protect the planet Earth and her habitants or are we here to mess up everything...? = =

Was what Darwin said origin of species by means of natural selection valid with all these crossbreds? What if the female ligers/tigons being released to the natural habitat and consequently the offspring of them with the male tiger or lion being produced? then the whole balance of the system will be gone..and what we studied today may not be true in the end...
And one more.. will them use humans to crossbreed with a chimpanzee? since chimps are by means so far closest related to us...

Hahaha.... u can ignore me because this was just a sudden thought that arise while doing chapters about speciation... x) but it was really shock to find out they actually have the hybrid of a tiger and a lion.. xD

So, maybe next time those creature in myth like Pegasus will become a real animal in the zoo...

Friday, January 22, 2010


Tuesday..-过的很,Didn't do anything..All due date not tomorrow..
Wednesday..-Wait! Wait! Never mind..can finish last worries..
Thursday..-Thirst for sleep..slept at 5am.. x)
Friday..- Totally Fried... = =

Yo people! How are you guys doing? hahaha...... must be bored coz I didn't update..please tell me yes... xD

Hmm... this time no more funny post.. x) If u do not wish to continue reading the next paragraph.. please press the X icon u saw on the right upper corner of your internet browser window.. Thank you for your cooperation...HAHAHA

Watching back the anime called "Rurouni Kenshin" a.k.a Samurai X. . Like that anime alot.. x)
"Surpassing your limits is what leads to excellence..Your limits are not something you decide yourself.."-Himura Kenshin. . cool quotes.. xD

Next Wednesday Biology midterm test.. x) This time..dun want to bring screw drivers to exam hall anymore..everytime brought wrong type of screwdrivers... I think next time I better always bring the screwdriver type with the head "+" .. so everytime can screw positively with positive thinking... x) if not the head "-" one..not good.. screw negatively.. Hammer is the best..just ham everything.. xD

...... really miss my brothers.. this summer not going back..taking summer course.. T_T really two years ... hahahaha.......but I believe true brotherhood will stay strong... xD

ok.. gotta sleep... ciao folks..!

*this time not a long post.. hope u all didn't enjoy reading.. xP

Friday, January 15, 2010

Update! Update! zzZ

Hi people!! Think I should just take some time to update my blog..since I have received requests for update from fans... hahaha....... (*damn perasan la you Michael..) x) Anyway...for being a responsible blogger like me..*Stop it, please! are over perasan.. xD

So.. now the temperature here is not that cold anymore.. no more negative below 10 degree celsius.. is +3 degree .. it is midnight now.. wtf... I WANT SNOW somemore.. LOL....
I tell you.. this is due to GLOBAL WARMING... having those images in my mind of polar bears wandering in the icy water at the poles without any ice for them to rest on made my heart ache.. I think they should just take their fur off and give it to humans since it is so warm nowadays because humans are killing them for their furs.. why not they just give it to them..then they can live..

ok.. enough of polar bears... now we discuss about penguins... lol... xD okok... stop it.. no one want to hear you giving a lengthy speech about penguins and polars.. x) Anyway..for ur information, penguins cannot fly..they are not birds..hahaha... but chickens are bird..they still cannot fly.. however..scientists found out that chicken we eat on our plate is a close relative to T-Rex the Dinosaur.. LOL.... and Bio153 said.. we descend from a common ancestor.. x) I LOVE BIO. . .

Better stop...
Then.. why don't we talk about.. global warming... HAHAHA..... better stop..if not.. I will lose my fans.. lol..

so, now .. I dun have anything to tell...hmm.. life is exciting today we had a PAL meeting..(dun need to explain here who and what is a PAL since it will take another 500 words..) haha....there goes 18 words... Ok.. we played a game..where u give hints to ur teammates to guess the words u were being subjected to in a given time... x) it was a lot of fun... guess I m not shy anymore to stand in front of the crowd... was not shy since I were born.. I nude in front of the doctor and nurses when I was a baby.. x)

hmm..tomorrow going to play piano again.. Yippie.. x) but first gotta go to clear my student account balance.. T_T then I left..aih....

Today..sleeping a bit late.. by this time I should have wake up from sleeping... =) coz..we had pizza just now.. x) Mat and me thought we are not having enough pizza at the meeting so he ordered again.. = = hahaha...... we made a promise.. if I got 100% for this coming Chemistry midterm test.. I will treat him pizza.. = = which I WISH I will.. x) coz.. U dun want to know how much I got for my previous term test.. T_T the worst mark I got in my entire student life..!!
O ya.. I ate 6 pieces of pizza.. = = broke my own record in Pizza Hut.. x) appetite increased but my height didn't.. T_T Dun drink milk kids.. it doesn't make u tall... Milk only makes ur bones stronger..the advertisements didn't say it makes u tall..last time they used to say that but now..I think they found out the truth...HAHAHA.... Dun worry.. U can be short with strong bones.. x)

Oh..oh.. Ya.. I m currently addicted to Man Vs Wild..the documentary..where they teach you how to survive in the wild..if u got lost from ur group of people.. = = hahaha.....just watched the first season and first episode... the most interesting part.. was .. where you can actually..squeeze the fluid out from a dry elephant dung into ur sexy mouth..if u couldn't find any water source and u r thirst to death.. xD hmm...guess..we will do that though if the situation is desperate.. LOL.... and another one is..if u met a lioness charging towards you..dun run!! coz they can charge 20 meters in 1 second.. O My Holy Mama... wad they taught is.. you stand straight, as tall as possible..and shout like tarzan..wave your hands like chase the lioness away.. this is to show superiority... = = wtf....why didn't the host demonstrate?? hahaha.. I TELL YOU.. If u met a lion charging towards you..will you remember to do that?! U will chicken out and face death as a chicken... xD We are no Iron Man..

Hmm... guess I had written long enough here... enough for my fans to digest one week..or maybe one week and 3 days..or one week and another one week.. HAHAHA..... If u feel bored after reading.. close it..and come back again the next day to read the remaining paragraphs..or read again..coz I guess..I wrote it well... Thank You.. =D (celakaly over perasan...)

Hooyah! Bye people... enjoy reading.. =) It is good for your mind and soul..

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Already wrote something..but I backspaced it..


Just want to say.. Replying a smile from a stranger lighten up my day..a bit.. x)

Ok.. continue work.. zzZ

Even a rollercoaster when at its lowest point has the kinetic energy to push it up again.. but wtf push us up when we are at our lowest point.. = = so can we say life is a rollercoaster?


Monday, January 4, 2010


ok people.. updated the songs AGAIN in my blog... hahaha.... coz someone complained me giving u guys Alvin's cute hahaha... so this time..the first in the track is an AWESOME one... One will feel "high" after listening to it.. xD

Well..after..around less than 4 hours.. class will begin.. this term..I swear I will work harder.... x)
but u see me here blogging again.. hahaha......
but u must see.. I woke up at 3 again this morning... LOL. . .

And.. Gosh.. I am addicted to caffeine... Drinking tea helps when u are helps to focus thought... LOL.... BUT..experiments proved that..long term consumptions of caffeine impaired your memory...and decrease broad range thinking abilities.. HOLY CRAP . . . ok..think I should stop drinking.. hahaha....I just started a few days ago.. can stop maybe.. ahaha.... It is better than nicotine

O ya.. took an IQ test online two days ago..hahaha..... My IQ was 153. . but dun believe it..coz I did it again when I first got 149 . . hahaha.... ok..u will sure say my EQ is low.. fark u.. xD

Had enough rest and fun during the break.. watched almost all the movies in PPstream..hahaha.... I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW IRON MAN MOVIE!! It is coming out in May.. still long... T_T I strongly believe someone will make that kind of suit one day.. haha...that's why I hafta work hard and earn tonnes of money to buy that suit..hahaha.... *crap..dreaming again...

O.. now the weather temperature is below negative 10. . hahaha... a warning for you guys..never go out with your hair still wet... hahaha.... I experienced it yesterday when I rushed for the bus and didn't dry my hair well enough... so..u can imagine what happened next.. my hair got I had to go into the north building and stand next to the heater.. = = holy cow..

err.. I think there is nothing more to write...hahaha..... so..I guess..after class begins..u will see me less in blog and facebook.. I hope I can restrain myself... hahaha....if not..what u see next round in here will be an emo post... x)

Yea!! Let the class begins..! Eager to see the new Bio lecturer... Did very bad in previous Bio course.. T_T Will do better in this one!! x) My Aim...I will not give up! Had learnt a good lesson...KICK YOUR ASS!!