Monday, February 22, 2010


So..this was what happened today... = =
They called it snowstorm... = =
ok.. maybe it was.. but I have to agree..this is WINTER... xD

U see... after Bio lab.. I..happily carrying the bacteria culture prepared for next Monday lab...and planned to go home.. who knows...just after I stepped out from the door.. WALAO was snowing like the end of the world...(hahaha....maybe abit exaggerated here... xP).. Afraid the culture would be frozen... = = I put it on the heater back in the building... CRAP..remembering the TA said DUN PUT NEAR HEATER coz the culture will be DESTROYED... T_T Now hoping my lovely sweet bacteria will grow happily ever after this week.. T_T

haha... tell you.. snowing heavily is fun.. at least now..It looks like what I always saw on TV.. xP
Hope next Wednesday big snowstorm.. YEA!! coz got bio midterm exam.. T_T (lecture 6 to 13... so much to read... WTF)

F.... and gotta write letter to cc was being used FRAUDULENTLY... = = F..... Why me? T_T If I know who...( I think I know who...) ... HAHAHA..... U WAIT!!! U WILL REGRET U MESS WITH ME! Physics quiz... still dunno a thing from textbook...
Thursday..Maths assignment due.. haven't start a single question yet...
Friday..Chem lab..experiment looks hard this time...have to read..
Next Wednesday...Bio midterm exam (so much to read)...and Physics formal lab report due (so much to do)...

I once heard reading and keeping urself busy is good.... but NOW..I M TELLING U ... IT IS ALL RUBBISH! coz when u have to write a formal letter.......... IT IS LIKE HOLY CRAP BUSINESS..

ok... enough for this entry... = = although I wanted it to be an emo post.. but at the end .. it turned out like I was making fun of myself... lol...

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