Friday, February 18, 2011

how funny it is when u planned to take a nap...
but ended up watching two movies in a row for 3 hours.. = = wtf

yeah! finally reading week is here... should be changed to study break.. lol.. but there are 3 papers waving at me right after next week.. x( fml.. (they are waving

was looking forward to the ski trip at blue mountain during break..
but now.. T__T I don't really want to go.. want to read my organic chemistry..(michael..dun bullshit here..the whole universe knows that u will never do and be a couch potato.. hide in the room...hide away from the sun..the street...the people...the cars...the sound...the trees..the leaves..the dogs..water on the road..the world..

lol... ya..right deep inside..I want to live underground...
(strongly believe that underworld exists... no. it is not hell although hell is true too) .. lol..

despite that.. I m sort of an outgoing person.. (another bullshit) lol..I can be anything I want when I just change my mind.. LMAO.. I can be crazy if I want to be.. (at least I made friends ok..) I just have this duo personality.. hehehe... simple saying.. I don't know who I am..
see.. yesterday I just went for a jeopardy chemistry quiz... lol...
won a prize.. (actually everyone got a prize) ..
and.. ya.. chemistry quiz.. u didn't see it wrong..
I went for a chemistry quiz...
not biology.. it is chemistry... LMAO
ya.. it was fun.. playing games with a bunch of nerds.. LOL.. (better none of them see this..)

signing up for guitar workshop by music club.. lol...doubt that I will have time for it..
but.. they haven't reply my email.. wtf.. if u organized a workshop..people email u .. u reply! not after two answer..
wonder if they have board meeting in the way we had last time.. Hmm... lol.. remember the pialas? lmao..

and I found that my room looks like a rat nest.. x( I used to be a very clean person.. now I m becoming like Adly.. fml.. (if u don't know who he is..don't bother to find out) lol

Step up 3D is really awesome...

"some famous guy said.. to travel is better than to arrive.. it is actually what happens along the way that counts..the stumble..the fall..the is a journey..not a destination.."
lol.. best quote..

ok..I will leave it here... ending with a nice quote.. not some other crap.. xD
so.. Ciao! have a nice week..!

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