Friday, November 14, 2008

My Slam Poem

Finally.. I have presented slam poem today... haha.....In the matter of fact, i wrote the poem in less than half an hour... (Sigh....) Procrastination is the thief of time... I kept on delaying the assignment..therefore I did it at 10:30 a.m. today.. The poem i wrote is quite sux.. Hope u all don't mind...


Like the dew in a winter’s morning
Are hard to be found,
Yet easy to lose.

With friends,
We can voyage to the distant land
through the seven seas,
Fly to the moon, the Mars, Venus, and Pluto.
Everything we do,
We may need a friend’s help.
To find a true friend,
Is like looking for water on a desert.
To be a true friend is not easy,
Like the bonding of an ecstasy.

The worst thing you can do
Is to betray a friendship,
like an invisible, sharp dagger,
which stabs from the back.
The excruciating pain is enough
To lose your friendship.

Friends are hard to be found,
Yet easy to lose.
Especially your true friends.
Do be there when they need you,
As a friend in need,
Is a friend indeed
Because you might never know,
When you are in need.

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