Wednesday, January 23, 2013


回到家。。第一个就是再跟你借smartphone charger..
我哪敢再借你?! 每天都跟我借这借那。。你如果再不见那么久。。那我不是麻烦。
what the fish.. I lent it to u when u first moved in because u said u left it at ur old place.. then now.. u should have it back alrd after so long..
不借还给我脸色看。=.= 靠!If I were my oldself..u will stay in Credit Valley hospital for d next 3 weeks..
唉。。 好人真是难当。
蛮想当回那种无人敢靠近的坏人。。 哈哈。

借charger也算了。。 还胆敢要跟我借bus pass.. WHAT THE FISH.. 我不如给你我的student card好了!

I really hate people kept knocking at my door because of shit like dis.. especially when I wanted to rest.. Really wanted to shout.. "FARK OFF!" then kicked him down d stairs.. 但就是不知为什么做不出。如果还是坏人,我应该会毫不犹豫就做了。还会再下楼给他几拳。哈哈. 一个字, 爽!


went to lunch wif friends..had a great time...came back happily.. 遇到这种 anak-pantai (translate urself lol).. 真是倒霉。

u sure will say after reading dis.. wad d fish...michael so selfish.. juz lend him la..

haha... 你真的是不懂那种心情。。就是。。好心借东西给人怕他会麻烦,然后过了几天不还!还要你亲自低声下气开口把东西要回!

n I m glad.. because after all these shit.. I still have not react VIOLENTLY.. Hahaha... maybe d one that should be glad is him..
once again.. my 忍功又受到考验。 of course.. it had failed again last summer... lol.. but ya.. still I managed to not hurt anyone physically yet.. xD

但请不要再度把我的恶魔面激发出来,它已经沉默蛮久了。哈哈。 相信有亲眼看到或感受过的人,因该十分有感触。
n of course.. I would like to take d chance sincerely apologize to those who became "victims" of my "rage" either recently or in d past.. x) I m deeply sorry.. haha.

ya..enuf of all these.. time to start studying... term test coming next week.. =.= .. more presentations.. n more ass due..

I should perhaps.. write on a sticky note wif marker pen.. "FARK OFF! I BITE!" n stick it to my door.. so I can have a peace of mind when studying or rushing my assignments.. all the stress n shit.. I really want to keep my sanity at bay.. lol.

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