Wednesday, January 16, 2013

was reading this book called "Bad Science" by Ben Goldacre.. In one of d chapters d author mentioned about d emails he received frm children ecstatic with delight at d stupidity of their teachers, one of d emails was: I'd like to submit to Bad Science my teacher who gave us a handout which says that "Water is best absorbed by the body when provided in frequent small amounts". What I want to know is this. If I drink too much in one go, will it leak out of my arsehold instead?

lol..n I couldn't stop laughing after reading that... xD

ya... industry of pseudoscience... haha.. laughable but it is very destructive..

This book "Bad Science" is mind-blowing n really good one to read if u have some free time on ur hands.. =) Glad it is one of my course If it weren't for d course..I wouldn't have came across such great book.. after halfway through already changed my view on certain things..

too bad have to rush to finish it before Thursday coz dis in-class assignment.. x( n I dun have tmr to continue reading.. lol.. have to finish it by morning.. 150 more pages to go.. hahaha.... but I will re-read it next time when I m totally free..with this sweet nice evening of coffee n books.. lol.

One does not normally finish a 237 pages book in one night... unless one has super power...or has juz finished a 400g M&M peanut chocolate while reading.. HAHAHA...
I m sure I do not have super power..but I m farking sure I will have diabetes before 60.. xD

Ciao! *continue reading... T_T eyes feel heavy... tomoro has to work on presentation slides.. x(
Assignments...seminars...presentation...term tests..due dates are all over the calendar... every week I have this something due... fml.
Who says final year is a relaxing year.. I will show him TWO middle fingers! o0o  o0o LOL.

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