Thursday, June 10, 2010

Do u know?

First of all.. I would like to make this clear... The random facts below were copied from a blog post by a friend of a friend of mine... hahaha..... I didn't take the time to go search all these facts instead I have my molecular biology to study... LOL... (but u took time to write this...) ya.. to share with the readers.. so stick ur butt to the chair for 10 minutes and read them! ... xD

1. Your middle fingernail grows the fastest. (so don't point them to people so often...) lol...

2. Carrots have zero fat content.

3. Turtles can breathe through their ass. (Dunno whether this is true.. if u r interested..go find it out urself.. hahaha....)

4. The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung. Used by Egyptians in 2000 BC.

5. Pearls melt in vinegar. (If u not sure.. try them on ur mom's jewellery.. HAHAHAHA)

6. Michael Jordan made more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in M'sia combined.

7. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321. (U have scientific calculator to check this.. xD )

8. A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.. ( O_O This must be awesome ain't? LOL.... )

9. Sharks are immune to all known diseases. Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that do not get cancer. Scientists believe this has something to do with the fact that they do not have bones, but cartilage. (No wonder people eat shark fins..but dun eat from now has nothing to do with ur immune system..idiots!)

10. China use 45 billion chopsticks per year. 25 million trees are cut down to make them. (Use fork from now on..people!) LOL...

11. I still have 10 lectures to cover before midterm test 2 and I haven't finish reading any yet..

12. Money isn't made out of paper. It is made of cotton. ( this is new to me ... ) hahaha

13. I have a secret blog which u will never find... xD

14. A snail can sleep for 3 years.. (Kill them when u see them..then they can sleep forever.. LOL..)

15. The first owner of the Malboro company died of lung cancer. ( No doubt... xD )

16. Dinosaur didn't eat grass, there wasn't any grass at that time. ( Tell ur kids that...if u have any kids... hahaha.....) ( =__= I didn't realise this when I took Bio153 last term.. LOL...I still thought dinosaur eat grass till today....)

17. Sloths take 2 weeks to digest their food...

18. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

19. My watch ran out of battery after 3 years. It is a Nike.

20. Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell. ( hahaha..... Believe this. No doubt)

21. Ernest Vincent Wright's 1939 novel "Gadsby" has 50,110 words, none of which contains letter 'E' .

22. My blog entry today contains no "Fark" word. (This one doesn't count... xD )

23. The plastic thing at the end of ur shoelaces are called aglets.

24. If u let me feel like shit... I will not give u shit back... but u will be in deep shit because u give me shit! (U will know when the time comes...)

25. This is probably the entry I enjoyed most writing since the day I signed up for blogger.
(I dun care whether u enjoy reading or not... that is non of my business... hahahaha......)

I don't care whether u had noticed the template and the background I changed for my blog... but ya.. I had changed them.. and it looks pretty nice to me.. x)

Ok... Ciao.! Back to study again...


  1. Haha..i like no 22 and i learnt no 23 from a cartoon...guess cartoons are not tat bad after all XD

  2. haha i like no 22 and i learnt no 23 from a cartoon XD

  3. =__= u dun have to tell me u like no.22 twice.. LOL..... hahaha.....

    Cartoon got teach vocabs? which cartoon so educational? xD

  4. coz i din noe the comments need yr approval so i kept posting until i finally realised they need yr approval before posted...XD

    luckily i din post for the third time

    yea in was in phineas and ferb

  5. hahaha..... ya.. I put that setting to avoid some celaka people spam my comments.. LOL....

    Wow... Cartoons really teach people stuff ain't? hahah
