Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jump! Jump! Jump! to Mars..!
Jump! Jump! to Jupiter!
Jump to Saturn!
Jump to Uranus! (hold on ur anus? ROFL.. no.. it is uranus..ok still sounds like ur-anus)
Jump to Neptune!
hold on.. where is pluto...? lol...

Jump! Jump! Jump! out of the milky way..!
Can you see the stars now? their lights are fading...
Jump! Jump! Jump! Higher and higher....
to where?
Jump! Jump out of the galaxy...!

and there u go... lost of any gravity pull from any stars or planets...
floating in the mass of dark space... u perform bullet time like Matrix.. u feel like no.. not flying.. it is this strange emptiness u feel in ur gut.. it is weightless... u feel like... u r lighter than a dust or a neutron... lol

WOAH....! What is it?! Here it comes.... OMFG..It is a Spaceship!!
hold on.. is that Darth Vader...?
Gosh.. here it comes...
and u r being pulled towards the spaceship..
because there is force thingy... large mass body pull a smaller body .. something physics like that.. is force by Vader... be with u... hahahaha
WHOOSH!! BANG!! What u saw is a dimension of white saw some red one (blood) and...
that is the last thing u saw...
(sorry... u were hit by that spaceship...and u sped to far far far far far far far far far away..(newton's third law).. story ends.. rofl..)

Sorry.. that was me jumping on my bed... LMAO.. and that white light thingy..they were halogen lights on my ceiling... ROFL

but what a fantastic space travel by Universe Traveler ...

Ciao..! time to sleep!

u nerds .. have fun imagining u r travelling in outer space... what a no life u r having.. LOL...

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