Sunday, March 22, 2009

Back to How It Was..

Ok.. So, tomorrow everything will back to how it was..back to normal... Same hectic schedule.. never ending things to do... 

Morning.. Boring LAN subject.. Malaysian Studies.. Wonder how my Moral result is.. I am looking forward for tomorrow Malaysian Studies class... haha...... Mr. Thong promised it will be 10 times more interesting than Moral class.. LOL... We shall see... 

Calculus.. Struggling.. Ms Foo.. said our mark will drop after mid term.. So, I will struggle.. 

Physics.. Struggling..nearly drown.. Again, all those none-up-to human understanding theories..

ENG 4U.. Struggling.. drown.. Endless assignments.. Next unit Shakespeare..Hamlet.. We shall see how it will turn out..

After class.. nine o'clock plan.. Don't ask me why must I stay till nine everyday.. because there are computers in library.. and I like the nine o'clock bus.. haha.....

Hope after this I can do my best in everything.. 加油!! Be positive..I shall...

Yoda:"May the Force be with you.." hahaha........ (He is just an old green ugly "monkey" walking around with his green light sabre...Does he really know what Force is..) 
Newton:"Michael, you shall sit under the apple tree...You will know what it is Physics there..."
(Malaysia has no apple tree.. I shall do that once I stepped my foot on the land of Canada..)

Tell you one interesting yet not so interesting thing happened today.. haha... I Accidentally stepped on 2 snails..(The crushing sound under my slipper is unforgettable..) Erm.. the snails were.... racing.. I guess.. Seeing who is faster.. but too bad.. both never reach the finishing line... 
Hey.. I buried them ok..(Near the drain..) It is not funny... but hahaha...... two snails trying to race.. 

Ok la.. I will back to my plan after today.. Update my blog once a week... Maybe twice a month.. I know my die hard fan will be sad to hear that.. hahaha........Perasan gila.. 

That's all.. Good luck to all of you in your endeavours.. 


  1. Ahahha~ tat's sad... [sounds irony..] pity the snails.. does that simbolise something? lol

  2. Well back to that life again~~ You know what your post make me have this feeling this time passes so fast that we are leaving to canada in a few months time. well if my results allow :D haha No more holiday until final exam T_T Sounds weird. Stressful :( ok see you in college ;) All the best :)

  3. >>> LasVen.. Does it sound like symbolizing something?? haha.... Then what does it symbolize then?? haha.... I wonder...

    >>> Siew Ying.. Ya.. Time indeed paases very fast.. Good Luck.. I believe your result sure allow you to fly.. Don't Worry...
